St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church

Українсъkа Катoлицъkа  Церква Св. Ӏвана Хрестителя

100 Y ears


Our Parish is preparing for its
Centennial Celebration
Sunday November 3, 2024.

Save the Date!

We request that anyone affiliated with the Parish past or present who may have historical information (photographs, documents, anecdotes,,...) or any other appropriate information and/or wishes to participate/support this event to please contact us: Tel: 631-727-2766 or Email: as soon as possible.

Наша Парафія готується святкувати своє


Святкування відбудуться у

Неділю, 3 Листопада 2024 року

Заохочуємо усіх, хто був чи є причетним до нашої парафії на протязі років і має документи, фотографії та будь яку іншу історичну інформацію, яка має стосунок до нашої парафії, звертатися до нас. Телефон: 631-727-2776 або імейл: наступна зустріч буде зцілення після Великодня.

Rev. Bohdan Hedz
The Riverhead News Review
2022 Person of the Year.

Congratulations to Rev. Bohdan Hedz!

Thank You for Supporting Ukraine and the Ukrainian People!

Слава Україні!
Glory to Ukraine!"

Donations in Support of Ukraine via our Parish

St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church of Riverhead greatly appreciates the support demonstrated since the invasion started and the many inquiries made about how one can help Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.

SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH  820 Pond View Road, Riverhead NY 11901


We accept donations TUESDAY Thru FRIDAY 9 am to 5 pm


Approved donated items (see below) can be dropped off at the Parish located on Pond View Road. The Parish will ship these items to appropriate parties in Ukraine via approved aid organizations and shippers.

In addition, the Parish is accepting monetary donations (cash and checks only). Please make checks out to St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church and indicate on all donations that this is for "Support of Ukraine". Please provide your name and address as well. The Parish will forward monetary donations to appropriate charitable groups and to cover the purchase of needed items and shipping expenses

Online Donations in Support of Ukraine

The bishops of the Metropolia of Philadelphia have created a special fund entitled: “War Victims and Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine”. The fund can be accessed through the website of the Archeparchy of Philadelphia:

Two other avenues of providing aid have been offered by the Ukrainian Congress Committee. They can be accessed at the following websites: and They are safe and reliable and through them we are confident that the financial aid will be directed to where it is needed most.

Church Banners in Support of Ukraine!

Many thanks to Bohdan & Mykola Yaremko of SpeedPro of Long Island City
for designing and donating the banners and Irene Andreadis for coordinating this project.

Our Volunteers Preparing Packages
of Aid to Ukraine!

Westhampton Beach Fire Department
Collecting Supplies to Support Ukraine

Some of the Westhampton Beach Fire Department’s Juniors and their advisors
in front of a trailer full of supplies they collected for the people of Ukraine at the
firehouse on Saturday. The trailer, along with an even larger one full of clothing,
was taken to the St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Riverhead
where the items will be sorted and shipped to Ukraine.